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UncategorizedVolunteer Workshop on End of Life Rescue Drugs

Volunteer Workshop on End of Life Rescue Drugs

We were very pleased to present an extra special talk by one of our professional members, Gail Bosch. She shared so much information with us about the typical drugs used when a patient is experiencing anxiety, shortness of breath, constipation, mild discomfort, nausea, fever terminal secretions (Death Rattle), and breakthrough pain. It was so valuable for us to learn about what drugs should be on hand for the various symptoms patients exhibit and experience. (To see attached document, click on Typical Hospice Rescue Kits).


Gail has recently retired from a long career wearing various hats…she was a clinical pharmacist for 40 years in hospitals, and spent 30 years as a Certified Geriatric pharmacist, and for 20 years facilitated a dementia support group.

For the last 12 years of her career, she was a hospice and palliative care pharmacist in Washington state, as well as a pain and symptom management specialist.  Gail was responsible for over 100 hospice patients at a time!
Gail has graciously offered to host us in her home on March 25th from 2-4pm, and share with us her vast experience and wisdom when it comes to “End of Life Rescue Drugs”.  She will discuss the typical drugs that most hospices use in the home setting, (in the hospice ‘rescue kit)’, which helps families avoid calling 911 or rushing to the hospital when symptoms get out of their control.
We are so privileged to have Gail on our team! I hope you will be able to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to expand your knowledge as a hospice volunteer.

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